.. _details: ======= Details ======= **ASDF** makes use of an abstract data type definition called a **tag**, which is a formed from a **schema** or collection of **schemas**. Each **schema** encodes part of the information that **ASDF** uses to both validate and identify the organization and types of data within an ASDF file. Tags are assigned to specific a specific schema or collection of schemas within a **manifest**. Finally, **ASDF** requires **converter** classes which implement the logic of serializing and deserializing of objects (in this case **astropy** classes) into and out of their respective **ASDF** tag representations. The **asdf-astropy** package primarily defines **converters** for many **astropy** types, and then properly registers them with **ASDF**. Users should never need to refer to converter implementations directly. Their presence should be entirely transparent when processing ASDF files. The converters in **asdf-astropy** related to transforms implement the tags that are defined by the :ref:`asdf-transform-schemas package `. Similarly, the converters in **asdf-astropy** related to coordinates implement the tags that are defined by the :ref:`asdf-coordinates-schemas package `. Moreover, many of the converters in **asdf-astropy** related to units implement tags that are defined in the :ref:`ASDF-standard `. Finally, there are converters in **asdf-astropy** whose tags are defined within **asdf-astropy** itself. See :ref:`asdf-astropy_manifest` for a listing of all these tags. Documentation of the individual schemas defined by **asdf-astropy**, which are used to assemble these tags can be found in :ref:`asdf-astropy_schemas`. .. note:: Not all **astropy** types are currently serializable by ASDF. Attempting to write unsupported types to an ASDF file will lead to a ``RepresenterError``. In order to support new types, new tags and converters must be created. A basic example can be found in :ref:`basic_example`, for additional details please refer to :ref:`asdf:extending_extensions`. If you do write additional converters or schemas please consider contributing them to **asdf-astropy**.