Source code for asdf_astropy.converters.time.time

import numpy as np
from asdf.extension import Converter
from asdf.tags.core.ndarray import NDArrayType

_GUESSABLE_FORMATS = {"iso", "byear", "jyear", "yday"}

    "isot": "iso",
    "byear_str": "byear",
    "jyear_str": "jyear",

[docs] class TimeConverter(Converter): tags = ("*",) types = ("astropy.time.core.Time",)
[docs] def to_yaml_tree(self, obj, tag, ctx): from astropy.time import Time base_format = obj.format if base_format == "byear": obj = Time(obj, format="byear_str") elif base_format == "jyear": obj = Time(obj, format="jyear_str") elif base_format in ("fits", "datetime", "plot_date", "ymdhms", "datetime64"): obj = Time(obj, format="isot") asdf_format = _ASTROPY_FORMAT_TO_ASDF_FORMAT.get(obj.format, obj.format) guessable_format = asdf_format in _GUESSABLE_FORMATS if obj.scale == "utc" and guessable_format and obj.isscalar and base_format == obj.format: return obj.value node = { "value": obj.value, } if not guessable_format: node["format"] = asdf_format if base_format != obj.format: node["base_format"] = base_format if obj.scale != "utc": node["scale"] = obj.scale if obj.location is not None: # The 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 tags differ in how location is represented. # In 1.0.0, there is a single "unit" property that is shared among # x, y, and z, and in 1.1.0 each is a quantity with its own unit. location = ( { "x": obj.location.x.value, "y": obj.location.y.value, "z": obj.location.z.value, "unit": obj.location.unit, } if tag.endswith("1.0.0") else { "x": obj.location.x, "y": obj.location.y, "z": obj.location.z, } ) node["location"] = location return node
[docs] def from_yaml_tree(self, node, tag, ctx): from astropy import units from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation from astropy.time import Time if isinstance(node, (str, list, np.ndarray, NDArrayType)): time = Time(node) asdf_format = _ASTROPY_FORMAT_TO_ASDF_FORMAT.get(time.format, time.format) if asdf_format not in _GUESSABLE_FORMATS: msg = f"ASDF time '{node}' is not one of the recognized implicit formats" raise ValueError(msg) return time location = node.get("location") if location is not None: # The 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 tags differ in how location is represented. # In 1.0.0, there is a single "unit" property that is shared among # x, y, and z, and in 1.1.0 each is a quantity with its own unit. if tag.endswith("1.0.0"): unit = location.get("unit", units.m) location = EarthLocation.from_geocentric( units.Quantity(location["x"], unit=unit), units.Quantity(location["y"], unit=unit), units.Quantity(location["z"], unit=unit), ) else: location = EarthLocation.from_geocentric( location["x"], location["y"], location["z"], ) time = Time( node["value"], format=node.get("format"), scale=node.get("scale"), location=location, ) base_format = node.get("base_format") if base_format is not None and base_format != time.format: time.format = base_format return time